Thursday, September 10, 2009

its all about today .

huyyy ..
woke up around 7a.m . too early . bt i still feel sleepy .
=.=' , take my bath , rush and manage my house dlm gmae the sims 2 . bhaha . ;DD we call the game 'pondok2' bhaha . actly , i was call thats game; stupid game . bt i still nk men game . hoho .hee ;)
cantek taw uma i . =DD and the named ws given to that house is N.A .
=DD . but im kinda boredy . i dont knoe why , huh ! men game pown nk bsing . hee . n then men umah ifa plak . hoho . =)
ouch ! i feel so slepy . so , cntinue sleep bck lahh ,,

wth im wrote about.??? huh . such a stupid thing i wrote .
btw , ty fr reading this stupid thing .

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